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Can you use BitPay on eBay?

Although users can’t make direct crypto payments for winning auctions on eBay just yet, the BitPay Card offers a seamless workaround that allows users to convert the most popular cryptocurrencies to cash, then use that on eBay purchases. Once approved, load the BitPay Card from your BitPay Wallet or Coinbase account.

How to make a bitcoin payment?

Bitcoin payments are not restricted to online purchases. There are a number of bricks-and-mortar shops that have started to accept bitcoin payments. If you find a shop that accepts bitcoin payments, all you have to do is scan the QR code using a wallet app and confirm the transaction. The process is as simple as using a credit card.

How to use BitPay Crypto debit card?

BitPay’s crypto debit card enables users to convert crypto and spend as easily as cash. Instantly convert crypto into dollars with no hassle and zero fees. To get started, first download the BitPay app from your preferred app store. Next you’ll load the wallet with funds. This can be done from the BitPay Wallet or a Coinbase account.

Does bitcoin have transaction fees?

Unlike credit cards or PayPal, bitcoin does not have fixed transaction fees. Just like the price of bitcoins, transaction fees are also determined based on demand and supply. The number of transactions that can take place at a time is limited. So in order to get your transaction confirmed faster, you have to pay more to get priority.

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